Outstanding among the values of life is the virtue of purity. In purity, one discovers a genuine character and sound manner that makes this life more livable and meaningful. Purity purifies life and makes it original and our existence very momentous. Purity renews the depth of our life and invigorates us with greater vital force.
Unfortunately, tossed by the turbulent wind of irrational desires and enslaved by the sexual passion, our generation is experiencing a decline in value and virtue. There seems to be a sexual revolution in our time! Some Christians are beginning to burn with passion, looking for any possible means to satisfy their natural desires. Pre-marital and extra-marital sexual intercourse together with some illegitimate satisfaction of sexual desire is becoming a common phenomenon! Some are beginning to doubt the possibility of purity, chastity and virginity in our time!
Is purity still very possible today? Are there still virgins among us? Is it still very possible to live a life freed from impurity, immorality and promiscuity? How can we spend our days in an exemplary life of chastity?
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