Happiness is the business of all mortals. Every body wants to be happy. It is imprinted in the heart of every man and written large in all our activities under the face of the earth. Thus, happiness is the blood of life. Life flows speedily through happiness.
Without happiness, life is meaningless. Happiness is the real reasons why you are doing that very thing you are doing. The reason why you are doing what you are doing now is because you want to be happy. The unseen motive and motivation of your various endevour on earth is happiness. It is an indispensable necessity of your life.
As long as you live, I see you thirsting and striving to acquire, preserve and enjoy happiness. As long you live, I see you living in abundance and peace of mind. You were created to be happy.
How really are you going about this business of happiness? What avenues are you following to see real happiness? Have you really discovered authentic happiness? Is life really flowing out from you? Have you discovered a reliable means of happiness and abundant life?
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