Your human strength has a limit it cannot go. The power of man is bounded and measured. The help that come from below cannot really surmount the problems and inconveniences of life. You cannot do it alone!
Human situation often makes life miserable and unmanageable for man. Certain circumstance can render helpless and unaided. Difficulties and hard times, is beginning to make life meaningless for some us here. In this world of trials and troubles, there is an urgent need for another Helper.
God understand that the help of man is vain. He is very much aware that human beings cannot make it well to success and happiness. He is very cautious of the fact that you are weak and helpless on earth. This is why He designed another Helper in the person of the Holy Spirit.
Are you conscious of this Helper? Have you recognized His presence in your life? Are you aware of His power and secret doings in your life? Are you sensitive to the leadings of the Holy Spirit? Are you familiar with what the third person of the Trinity can do in you and for you? This book will surely open your eyes to the supernatural realm!
The design of God for you is wondrous. He had a marvelous plan for you. From the day of creation, God carved out an astonishing future for you. His plan was that you may live with Him. When man obstinately went away from the noble plan of God through sin, He was not tired with us. He decided to carve out another amazing future us.
In Christ Jesus, I see the plan of God to bring you home freed from sin. He made the sinless One to be sinned for the salvation of man. Being in the form of God, Christ decided to take the form of man, to make you a friend of God. You were lifted from your sinfulness to be closer companions with God.
At the departure of Christ, He still taught it wise to make this divine friendship permanent. He envisages that His bodily absence will lead to loneliness and helplessness. Thus, He promised us another Helper to continue the work of salvation. The Helper is the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.
I want to introduce you to this Great Helper! I want to open your eyes to what this marvelous God can do for you. I want to show you in this work some of the hidden things; He is already doing for you. I wish to lead you to a great encounter with the Great Holy Spirit.
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