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Master Your Situation!

Change of environment has continuously changed many individuals. Differences in situations have initiated different characters in many lives. Some people have been carried away by the current things happening in their environment. But believers master their situation.

And he lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed at who came to him, preaching the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ quite openly and unhindered.

Paul saw himself in a new environment, but he was still in control of that environment.  Unhindered, he became a master of the Roman environment. Even as a prisoner, he was operating freely like a master. Spiritually, he was in-charge.

But real men are masters of their circumstances. Genuine people are in control of their environments. They are not controlled by their environment, instead they control their environments. They are ever in charge!

Are you really in charge of your current situation? Are you in control of your environment? Is your surrounding dictating the pace for you? How are you coping with your present atmosphere? Are you really a master of your environment?

Real men are masters of their environment! Strong believers are in control of their situation. Hidden in the depth of your life is a latent power to conquer and control your world. Embedded in your spirit-man is a real ability to control your circumstances. There is an unlimited power in the centre of your life that makes you the sole controller of your environment! You were destined to be in charge of the world of human affairs.


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